There was occasional rains on the first 2 days when I arrived in Hong Kong (HK). For the rest of the week, the weather was hot and humid which I felt thirsty and dehydrate easily :( Luckily, there are many stalls selling cold beverages and desserts in the shopping malls and streets which I can grab to quench my thirst ^.~ Although the unbearable heat made me discomfort and moody but I still took photos of what I drank and ate to share in my blog hehe ^0^
It was raining quite heavily on my 2nd day in HK so ST and I decided to shop in a mall and went to 旺角中心 (Argyle Centre). The stuff sold in Argyle Centre were cheap and the quality of accessories and clothes were not too bad *v* One thing I like shopping at this place is that we can bargain ^.~ The not so good thingy is that we are disallowed to try on the clothes to see if fit on us :( Anyway, the stuff were good buys so we just went ahead to buy what we liked ^.~ We did not miss out any single shop in the Centre. We done so much walking until my legs were cramped and tired. Also, I almost died of thirst (not hunger) haha! We decided to take a rest and found Happy Lemon on the 1st floor in the Centre. Apparently, Happy Lemon is very popular among the youngsters.
It was raining quite heavily on my 2nd day in HK so ST and I decided to shop in a mall and went to 旺角中心 (Argyle Centre). The stuff sold in Argyle Centre were cheap and the quality of accessories and clothes were not too bad *v* One thing I like shopping at this place is that we can bargain ^.~ The not so good thingy is that we are disallowed to try on the clothes to see if fit on us :( Anyway, the stuff were good buys so we just went ahead to buy what we liked ^.~ We did not miss out any single shop in the Centre. We done so much walking until my legs were cramped and tired. Also, I almost died of thirst (not hunger) haha! We decided to take a rest and found Happy Lemon on the 1st floor in the Centre. Apparently, Happy Lemon is very popular among the youngsters.

There were many people crowded around the stall so I had to move back and took a pic of their signboard :P We waited awhile before we collected our cold beverages.

Here's another board showing varieties of their beverages.
I couldn't decide my choice of beverage.
I couldn't decide my choice of beverage.
ST chose Lemon Honey Juice which is refreshing and full of vitamin C. I bought Pearl Sago Milk Tea. The tea is thick and fragrant; and the pearls are QQ. The cups look kawaii too ^.~

鸡蛋仔 ~ Egg Waffle
It's piping hot so I could only take the photo from the paper bag.
Crispy outside and Soft inside. Taste ~ not sweet.
It's piping hot so I could only take the photo from the paper bag.
Crispy outside and Soft inside. Taste ~ not sweet.

I love EGGs ~ so how can I miss egg tarts, right! These tarts are from Tai Cheong Bakery (泰昌饼家) As the tarts are freshly baked and just out from hot oven, they are so many people queuing to buy few boxes of the tarts.
MacDonald's in HK. The burgers really cater to Chinese taste ~ yummy!
That's my cup of caramel latte ^.~
That's my cup of caramel latte ^.~

ST and I ordered the mango beverage topped with coconut milk and jelly.
Sob Sob :( ~ Now how can I stop my cravings for these goody snacks and desserts :(
Sob Sob :( ~ Now how can I stop my cravings for these goody snacks and desserts :(